"Der Herr wird mich erlösen von allem Übel und mich retten in sein himmlisches Reich. Ihm sei Ehre von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit!"
Freitag, 30. November 2012
"Der Herr wird mich erlösen von allem Übel und mich retten in sein himmlisches Reich. Ihm sei Ehre von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit!"
Freitag, 23. November 2012
Rapture Day
"Daughter, you have to return to Earth...Daughter, I am going to show you something: How I am coming to Earth for a holy people. I am going to show you how the day of the Rapture will be."
We walked to a place with a giant screen, and I saw people in it. I could observe the whole world. Then suddenly I saw thousands of people disappearing. Pregnant women had their pregnancy disappear, and they looked like they had gone crazy screaming. Children had disappeared from all over. Many people were running from here to there, screaming, "This can't be, this can't be! What's happening?"
I saw those who had known the Lord, but were left behind. They were saying that Christ had come, the Rapture happened. They screamed and wanted to kill themselves, but they couldn't. The Lord told me:
"Daughter, in those days, death will flee; Daughter, in those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on Earth."
There were accidents but I didn't see a single dead person: all of them were alive, although injured.
I observed enormous traffic with thousands of people. He told me:
"Daughter, look, this is how everything will happen."
I then saw people running from one place to another, shouting, "Christ came, Christ came!" They would plead, "Lord, forgive me, forgive me, take me with You!" But sadly the Lord said:
"It will be too late. The time to repent is now...Daughter, go tell humanity to seek Me, for during that time there will no longer be opportunity. Daughter, it will be too late for all those that stay behind."
When Jesus observed how people were left behind, He began to weep and said:
"Daughter, I will go to Earth as it says in 1 Thes. 4: 16-17 : "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
But not everyone will go with the Lord, only those who are doing His will and living a holy life. For the Lord told me:
"Only those that are holy will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, No one knows, neither the day nor the hour in which I will go for My holy people, not even the angels know it."
On the screen I saw people running around. Magazines and TV news said that "CHRIST HAD COME." The screen closed, and Jesus finished by saying:
"I will go for a holy people."
This was all He showed me. After that, He brought me back here to Earth. With angels gathered round, we began to descend these beautiful stairs; white steps with flowers surrounding them. I was crying all the way down, pleading with Jesus, "Lord, please, don't leave me here. Take me with You!" He responded:
"Daughter, the nations, your family are waiting for you...Daughter, you must enter that body. You must receive life, Daughter, so you can go and testify what you have seen. Many will not believe you; many will believe you, but I am your faithful witness. I am with you. I will never leave you."
One of the greatest experiences that my daughter had was when she saw many entertainers in hell, including dancers, and also Pope John Paul II. It's time to seek the Lord, to repent and to humble oneself before Him. The Word of God is true when it says:
The Word of the Lord will be fulfilled in its due time. The Lord also showed her a tunnel, where people were walking to hell. Many people are already in hell. It's real! But even the Lord's people don't believe this, many just don't believe.
The main message was that we should seek the Lord, not just from our lips, but from the deepest part of our heart, for the Lord's coming is at hand. Jesus said:
The church today must go back to the old paths; that it is where we are in the fire, seeking the Lord. When the trumpet sounds we must be ready to meet the Lord, and it will be wonderful!
Mittwoch, 21. November 2012
Dienstag, 20. November 2012
Sonntag, 18. November 2012
Samstag, 17. November 2012
Montag, 12. November 2012
Donnerstag, 8. November 2012
Mittwoch, 7. November 2012
Wir haben die Wahl!

"Du und ich haben eines gemeinsam, wir haben die Wahl:
Entweder wir konzentrieren uns auf unsere Enttäuschungen und Defizite. Dann schlagen wir den Weg der Verbitterung ein, des Zorns, des Selbstmitleids.
Oder wir entschließen uns, aus allem etwas zu lernen und vorwärts zukommen. Damit übernehmen wir Verantwortung für unser Leben und öffnen uns für alles Glück."
Nick Vujic
Dienstag, 6. November 2012
Montag, 5. November 2012
Sonntag, 4. November 2012
Samstag, 3. November 2012
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